relax,rejuvenate and enjoy your Trip to Kenya
Fitness holidays & fitness courses in Kenya
- Kenya
- 2011: 19 Oct, 5 Nov, 16 Nov, 9 Dec
- From £2250 (9 days) - £5050 (25 days).
- Late Availability for Oct & Nov courses - the perfect time to travel to Kenya! Contact us for room options.
Fitness holidays & fitness courses in Kenya
Take an animal out of its environment and it will suffer mentally, physically and spiritually. Put an animal back into its natural environment and it will heal and thrive.
This is the basis of our approach and the inspiration for our fitness holidays in Kenya. We help you re-discover your natural physical potential and get lean, strong, pain-free and buzzing with raw energy – just as you are designed to be.
Our fitness holidays are the best way to put your animal into the wild, providing all the stimuli needed to gain vigour and vitality: a beautiful chilled out and natural habitat, expert coaching and ideal nutrition. The power of our holidays is in creating the perfect healing conditions, 24 hrs a day, for the length of your stay - you will be amazed at the results you will achieve. People have changed shape, cut running and swimming times in half, enjoyed running for the first time ever and had long term injuries or digestive problems clear up.
Accommodation on fitness holidays in Kenya:
Kenya participants stay in the elegant and luxurious Baraka House on the north coast of Kenya near Watamu. With its panoramic rooftops and beautiful balconies overlooking the Indian Ocean, it is the perfect place for chilling out, watching the sun set or meeting friendly monkeys.
Watamu has one of the top ten beaches in the world, where the sand is dazzlingly white. Opposite Baraka House are teeming coral reefs and stretching back is the intriguing Sokoke forest reserve. Flanked by Mida creek (a turtle breeding area), Watamu is a designated UN area of outstanding natural beauty.
Food on fitness holidays in Kenya:
Food is local, organic, unrefined, unprocessed and delicious! You will be served the “Hunter Gatherer” or “Primate” (Vegetarian) menu including fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, seafood and meat, and cutting out grains, pulses and sugar.
On our courses we will teach you the fundamentals of wild movement, including wild running, boxing and kettlebells. You will also have workshops on wild eating and wild living, giving you all the knowledge and guidance you need to re-discover your inner animal.
Extra fun activities include swimming, snorkeling, circuits, a boat trip, traditional Kenyan dance evening and trip to Malindi (exact itinerary will depend on length of course).
Whatever your age or fitness level our expert coaches will give you the foundation for true, natural fitness. So whether your goal is to get leaner, glide past other runners in a race, or be able to climb trees when you’re a granny, we will help you get the basics of a wild body – and then there are no limits to what you can do!
9 days Kick Start:
From £1850 (9 days) . Please enquire for exact departures.
This fitness holiday is an introduction to our approach to wellbeing. The schedule is packed with workshops, core movement classes and adventurous training. You will feel your body changing and have learnt the basic tools for improving your fitness regime when you return home.
2 week Revitalise:
From £2420 (2 weeks). Please enquire for exact departures.
This fitness holiday covers all the basics of our Kick Start course but goes that much further: you will be able gain real confidence in the core skill areas of boxing, kettle bells and wild running, you will have more opportunity to use your new-found energy with extra fun activities and will really see and feel the difference in your body.
3 1/2 week Physical Transformation:
From £3875 . Please enquire for exact departures.
This fitness holiday is made up of our Kick Start course, followed by the Revitalise course. You will have the opportunity to really progress with your core skills, measure your improvement in key activities, learn a lot about your body, seriously boost your fitness and feel and look very different.
How this holiday makes a difference
Environmental Commitment
We minimise water use by using salt water for toilet flushing system, rain water catchment for showers and eliminating washing machines and baths. We give our clients CDs of all the relevant materials associated with the course instead of paper handouts. All the information in their rooms is on laminated sheets which we can then reuse. We have a compost system where any biodegradable waste is then used in the garden.
Information and guidelines from the KWS are displayed and strictly followed at all times ensuring that we cause no damage to the coral reef ecosystem which we are privileged to have access to. Whenever snorkeling, swimming or diving activities takes place marine park tickets are purchased providing a direct benefit to the parks conservation efforts. Plus when we do an activity in the village, we give money to the community for each person. A minimal disturbance policy is in place for our surrounding ecosystem. This ensures that no vegetation, coral, shells or animals are removed or unduly disturbed by our actions or decisions.
We give a monthly donation to Watamu turtle watch and we encourage guests to purchase fund-raising goods and adopt turtles or nests raising significant amounts of money for this organisation. Educational talks and visits are also arranged. Visits that infer either direct or indirect benefits to the environment are suggested such as trips to the snake farm (involved in anti-venom research), turtle talks, snorkelling. Safari's on horseback, bikes or on foot tie in well with our natural fitness objective and are suggested as alternatives to vehicle safari's.
When vehicle safaris are requested care is taken to book through respectful companies who obey wildlife guidelines and only drive on designated paths, don't harass or chase the animals. Clients are given information regarding suitable behaviour within national parks and reserves.
Economic Commitment
Local people are given employment opportunities in preference to outsiders when suitable candidates are available. We also invest a lot in training local staff, we are currently training four local trainers and our senior kitchen staff are sent on yearly refresher and development courses. Care is taken that locally made products and services are purchased subject to availability providing a direct economic benefit to the community. We are currently assisting the development of a small business initiative, by a local staff member who provides taxi transfers to the airport.
Social Commitment
Pre-departure information regarding the political and social situation is provided to all clients. On arrival a more detailed information pack is issued ensuring that guests act in a respectful and socially sensitive manner and are also able to learn something of the culture of local people. Groups are kept small (max 11) to minimise disturbance. Local guides are used on village trips to enhance the experience and provide an income to the hosts. All the local staff are taken on an outing to a beautiful environment twice a year (e.g. coral reefs, Arabuko Sokoke forest). Visits are suggested to projects such as the butterfly project in which people are paid to rear butterfly larvae to sell in a sustainable manner. This not only provides employment but gives the community a reason to preserve its forest habitat and an appreciation of it.